This reference assumes that Drupal was installed using the `standard` installation profile and only Drupal Commerce related modules that provide content entities are enabled. For instance, if the “Workspaces” module is installed, it will add a `workspace` property to many content entities. The modules that are enabled on the site can also affect the available properties. For example, if the entity is revisionable (e.g. The list of properties available for a content entity depend on many factors. For each property we will list its name, field type, a description, and a note if the field allows unlimited values (i.e. To make the process easier, in today’s article we are presenting a reference of properties available in content entities provided by Drupal Commerce and some related contributed modules.įor each entity we will present: the module that provides it, the class that defines it, and the available properties.

Finding out which properties are available for an entity might require some Drupal development knowledge.

In the case of promotions, you can set the start and end dates. For example, when importing Drupal Commerce product variations you can specify the SKU, price, list price, etc. When migrating into content entities, these define several properties that can be included in the `process` section to populate their values. This time we will provide a similar list for Drupal Commerce. In a previous article we presented a list of properties per content entity in Drupal core and some contributed modules.